personal information

Mucenica Bogdan
Vaslui, Romania
Iasi, Romania
0728 28 29 07


These hightlghts should give you a clue of what I do / am:

I am constantly looking for new ways I can improve myself and the technologies I develop.

Technical skills

Ajax: Asynchronous JavaScript with XMLHttpRequest, DOM, and more.
PHP: Frameworks Design, Wordpress
development tools
Web Servers: Apache, IIS
SQL Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Sybase, SQL Server
Image editing: Fireworks, Photoshoop
Programming Skills
Expert knowledge of PHP 5.x / 5.3, Javascript (ECMA-262 3rd edition), HTML 4/5, CSS 2/3
Working knowledge of .NET (C#), Java, SQL
XML skills
Extensive knowledge of Web Services, SOAP, DOM
UI Skills
Extensive knowledge of HTML, XML (XHTML), DOM, JavaScript

work experience

May 2009 until now
November 2008 until now
  • Started working as a server-side developer and project manager at
  • Worked on building the UI for large pharmaceutical distribution company in the USA ( using the ASP.NET enterprise framework StoreFront.NET
  • Worked on builidng a Silverlight fallback site for
  • Worked as a freelancer in colaboration with designer, creating sites and wordpress custom themes under the brand of
  • Developed over 50 wordpress themes, many of them having lots of custom goodies, such as custom admin panels, custom forms, custom plugins, etc.
  • Worked on developing the web-site for a 4 stars hotel in Craiova
  • Worked on a Socrates project at the local High-School, the project's web-site winning first prize and a trip to Poland to show our project
  • Worked for a local arhitectural ONG, building their custom site
  • Developed small sites for local comunity, even an e-commerece from the bottom up for a local store.

Formal Education

2008 - 2011 University B.Sc. Degree

B.Sc. Degree in Computer Science at Faculty of Computer Science, "Al.I.Cuza" University, Iasi

2004 - 2008 High-school

Computer Science + Mathematics at "Colegiul National Gh. Rosca Codreanu" Barlad, Romania

2000 Junior High-school

"Scoala Generala Nr.1 Iorgu Radu" Barlad, Romania


Driving licence since: 11.09.2007

Current car: Ford Fiesta MK7